Contributing together towards our shared future

In its annual report, the Group details how it addressed its social and environmental impacts and generated value throughout 2023. It also presents its strategic commitments for the years to come.

Everything we implement must meet the criteria of responsibility and profitability, without us having to arbitrate between these two concepts.”

Claude STRASSER Managing Director of POST Luxembourg

New strategic plan

2023 marks the start of POST Luxembourg Group’s new 2023-2027 strategic phase. With it, we confirm our commitment to providing local services and reliable and innovative technological solutions to all Luxembourg stakeholders, thereby generating value for the economy and society. From this perspective, the Group aims to take a forward-looking approach to striking a balance between profitability and responsibility.

Our activities in 2023

The Group is structured around three main activities: Telecom & ICT, Mail & Logistic and Financial Services. Each of these activities faces unique challenges and is expected to be transformed in the coming years. These developments call for substantial investments, with the aim of securing each activity’s profitability, reducing their impacts and offering long-term employment prospects for everyone.

Active commitment to sustainable development nourishes creativity and, in the long term, should help strengthen our resilience and better position us for the future”

Serge Allegrezza Chair of the Board of Directors

Our 3 CSR priorities

When the 2023-2027 strategy was determined, time was spent reflecting on what our priority areas of action should be.

Reducing our environmental impact

Minimising our energy consumption and, at the same time, our CO2 emissions.

Promoting a responsible digital transition

Reducing the environmental footprint of the services we offer, supporting the reuse of the technical equipment deployed and guiding our customers towards responsible uses.

Supporting inclusion

Offering high-quality, accessible value-added services.

Making employment opportunities available to everyone, whether they are qualified or not, and ensuring that our staff have long-term employment prospects.


The Group must take significant measures to reduce its carbon footprint by improving its energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and promoting the use of renewable energy. This approach aims to direct our activities and services towards a more environmentally friendly approach, while contributing to the transition to a carbon-free economy by 2050.

13 477

Emission of 13,477 tonnes of CO2 equivalent scopes 1, 2 & 3 (énergie) (market-based)

26 %

Proportion of electric vehicles

17 %

Proportion of kilometres travelled by electric vehicles

89 %

Recycled waste

-1 %

Electricity consumption


In terms of employee management, we are committed to offering employment opportunities to everyone, whether qualified or not. In a context where our business sectors are constantly evolving and being reorganised, we strive to improve the employability of our staff in order to ensure they have long-term employment prospects.

Total number of employees

4 515

Proportion of female employees

27 %

Permanent contracts

99 %

Full-time contracts

87 %

Proportion of employees trained

74 %


POST Group plays a major role in social cohesion in Luxembourg by providing high-quality value-added services that are accessible to all.

84 %

of the country covered by fibre

94 %

of the population covered by 5G


parcels and 97 million letters sorted and delivered


More than 100 sales outlets

Financial results

Sales revenue

969M euros

Net profit

57M euros


142M euros

EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation)

188M euros

2023 annual report

In this integrated report, you will discover how our CSR commitment is part of a continuous improvement process, adapted to the new challenges of society and the expectations of the company's stakeholders.

2023 annual report


Supplier Code of Conduct

The Procurement Department has developed a code of conduct to promote purchasing and subcontracting in line with POST Luxembourg's CSR approach.

View the Annual Report

Discover how POST creates value for all our stakeholders and Luxembourg, as well as the CSR approach that is embedded in all our activities.